New Expungement Laws in California: A Fresh Start

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New Expungement Laws in California: A Fresh Start for Criminal Records:


Expungement is a process that allows individuals to clean up their criminal records and get a fresh start. In California, the laws regarding expungement have recently changed as of January 2023. These changes make it easier for individuals to expunge their criminal records and move forward with their lives. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the new expungement laws in California and how to take advantage of them.

What are Expungement Laws in California?

Expungement is a legal procedure that seals or erases a criminal record. In California, the laws regarding expungement are designed to give individuals a fresh start after they have served their sentence.

The process of expungement involves filing a petition with the court and demonstrating that you meet the eligibility criteria. If the court grants your petition, your criminal record will be sealed, and you will be able to legally state that you have not been convicted of a crime.

To be eligible for expungement in California, you must meet certain criteria, such as completing your sentence, not being currently charged with a crime, and not having any pending warrants. Additionally, the type of crime you were convicted of and the length of time that has passed since your conviction will also affect your eligibility for expungement.

Changes in Expungement Laws as of January 2023

The new expungement laws in California, effective January 2023, simplify the process and make it easier for individuals to expunge their criminal records. Previously, the expungement process could be complicated and time-consuming, but the new laws streamline the process and provide more opportunities for individuals to start fresh.

One of the biggest changes in the new laws is the expansion of eligibility criteria under California Senate Bill 731. More individuals are now eligible to expunge their records, including those with multiple convictions and those who have served time in state prison.

In addition, the new laws also provide for automatic expungement in certain circumstances, such as for low-level marijuana offenses. This means that individuals no longer have to go through the time-consuming process of filing a petition and waiting for a court hearing.

How to Expunge Criminal Records in California

If you are eligible for expungement in California, you can follow these steps to expunge your criminal record:

  1. Determine your eligibility: Check to see if you meet the criteria for expungement in California. This includes completing your sentence, not having any pending charges or warrants, and meeting the eligibility criteria for the specific type of crime you were convicted of.

  2. Gather required documents: You will need to gather any documents related to your conviction, such as court records and proof of completion of your sentence.

  3. File a petition: Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you will need to file a petition for expungement with the court.

  4. Attend a hearing: If the court grants your petition, you will be required to attend a hearing to finalize the expungement process.

  5. Hire an attorney or self-represent: You can either hire an attorney to represent you in the expungement process or choose to self-represent.

It is important to note that the expungement process can be complex, and it may be beneficial to hire us to ensure that your petition is properly filed and to represent you in court.


The new expungement laws in California provide individuals with the opportunity to start fresh and improve their future prospects. By simplifying the process and expanding the eligibility criteria, the new laws make it easier for individuals to expunge their criminal records and move forward with their lives.

If you are eligible for expungement in California, we encourage you to take advantage of the new laws and start the process of cleaning up your criminal record. With a fresh start, you can improve your job prospects, secure housing, and move forward with confidence.

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